Pascal Guay Space Concordia Astronaut Assistance Rover

Space Concordia Astronaut Assistance Mars Rover Capstone Project


My final project at Concordia University is over, it has been a great experience working with an interdisciplinary team of software, mechanical, electrical, computer and industrial engineering students! I was responsible of programming the embedded computers on board of the rover. The embedded programming was mostly done in, C++ and C# and the operator user interface was done in .NET / MVVM. The Arduino Mega was used on the robot to interface with the multiple sensors and servo motors along with a Pico ITX board in charge of communicating with the operator’s main computer and streaming the cameras.
Here’s an article talking about it on Concordia University’s website:
Saved PDF in case the link becomes broken: Concordia Mars Rover 2014 Captstone_Project Article

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